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IFPA Master Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Licensed Naprapathic Doctor, Dr. Daniel Rocha
Welcome! This is an online health and wellness coaching service that combines my passion for nutrition, exercise, manual therapy, corrective exercise with dynamic stretching, mental health, and more, to bring you a well-rounded, multi-disciplinary approach to living your best fitness lifestyle. I want to help you do more than just exist. Don’t just live; live better and better.
Don't Just Live; Live Better and better

Check Out My Blog
Once a week I will be writing my best tips to burn fat, build muscle, be more positive, and live a healthier, happier life. Don't just live; Live Better and Better!!!

My Travels
Traveling has always been a dream of mine. So this year I began traveling to visit my clients across the country and globe. We will eat, train, tour, and so much more. This is my way of sharing it with all of you.

Book Your Bodywork Today
Receive professional bodywork which includes a naprapathic alignment with full body massage which incorporates sports and Thai massage therapy techniques from Licensed Massage Therapist and Licensed Naprapathic Doctor, Dr Daniel Rocha

SyRoc Credo
The SyRoc Lifestyle is MY way of life. It is MY religion, MY career, MY way of thinking, MY morals and values. It is MY insight to a healthy way of living. A system learned through education and experience. A standard that I want to share with all of you!
Disclosure for Paid in full - no freeze dates (date to date). All memberships are by a monthly, three, six month or yearly basis.
Cancellations are only honored with 24hr notice. No refunds are given at anytime once payment is received.
All meal plans, protocols and exercises programs are for discussion purpose only. Nothing is intended to cure or diagnose disease. Any injury, illness, or discomfort brought on by following the training or diet programs or received manual therapy is not at fault by SyRoc Lifestyle or any of its practitioners including Daniel Rocha. You agree to follow programs, protocols, or treatments at your OWN RISK.
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