By Daniel Rocha
CMI and SUNM Graduate
As humans, we are constantly bombarded through social media and celebrity influence, just on how our bodies should look like. And this changes with different eras and styles. To keep up with these trends, humans put their bodies through so many diet trends, exercise routines, and the latest craze in nutrition, foods, and propaganda. The effect of all this are ruined metabolism and body dysmorphia. Human metabolism is the physical and chemical processes that occur within the body to maintain life. Metabolism consists of two phases: anabolism which is the building and repair phase, while catabolism refers to how the body breaks down complex materials. The conversion of the macronutrients, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from food to energy, and other physiological processes are components of the metabolic process. (Patel 2019).
So just how is the body ruined by destructive eating habits and poor health choices?
A metabolic disorder occurs when the body's hormones or enzymes function improperly. The consequence is a deficiency or overabundance of elements that interrupt the body's functioning. Metabolic disorders are problematic yet treatable. The energy vital for human life is derived from human metabolism. Particular proteins and enzymes in the body convert nutrients into fuel that the body utilizes for chemical functions. Enzymes in the digestive system convert proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into amino acids, fatty acids, and simple sugars which are used by the body as fuel-producing energy. Hormones produced by the pancreas and thyroid, help to control the rate and method by which fuel is produced, and metabolism occurs. (Ungvarsky et al 2021)
Any interference with this process where the nutrients absorbed by the body are not properly broken down into amino acids, fatty acids, and simple sugars is a metabolic disorder. There are more than 1,400 identifiable metabolic disorders. Some metabolic disorders are inherited and congenital, while others lay dormant for years. Metabolic disorders are identifiable and then can be controlled through the use of medication and dietary adjustments to avoid serious or even fatal complications. But it is known that even controlled metabolic disorders can cause other health problems for patients, more importantly children who have them. (Ungvarsky et al 2021)
Eating disorders are psychiatric diseases that result in abnormal eating patterns creating negative effects on one's health. Eating disorders affect 20 million American women and 10 million American men at some point in their lives, according to the National Eating Disorders Association, and can be a life threatening condition. The different forms of eating disorders affect people of any age, race, or gender, where some populations have a higher inclination toward specific types of eating disorders. This is evident through the statistics that about 0.9% of women will experience anorexia nervosa in their lifetimes whereas 0.3% of men suffer from it. About 1.5% of women develop bulimia nervosa, but only 0.5% of men do. In regards to binge eating disorder, men account for about 36% of cases. Anorexia Athletica, muscle dysmorphic disorder, and orthorexia Nervosa occur more often in men, as where rumination and pica affect men and women equally. (Davidson et al 2019)
Anorexia has been diagnosed in children but most often occurs during adolescence. It is most likely to begin during puberty and it is more likely to occur in white girls. A secondary peak of individuals who develop anorexia occurs during a patient's 40s where again hormonal changes begin.
(Davidson et al 2019)
Bulimia is the most common in the United States, affecting 1% of people, with 75% affecting women. The rate is highest among adolescents and college women, but in men, the disorder is more often diagnosed in gay men. Bulimia usually evolves in women during their late teens and early twenties and in men around age 25 or later, affecting all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
(Davidson et al 2019)
Binge eating disorder affects about 3% of American women and 2% of American men, 2.8 million people, although women outnumber men. Binge eating disorder is problematic in middle age men, affecting black and white people equally. Rumination and pica are still being researched to determine when these diseases develop and which races or ethnic groups are affected the most. (Davidson et al 2019)
A study completed in 2010 for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) documented a considerable increase in the number of children hospitalized for eating disorders. The study showed that between 1999 and 2006, hospitalizations increased 119% for children under 12 years of age for eating disorders. Eating disorders are psychiatric diseases caused by genetic, biological, social, and psychological factors. Development occurs when a patient formulates an unrealistic attitude or abnormal perception of their body, leading to destructive eating habits that have negative physical and emotional consequences. Patients with eating disorders hide their symptoms, resist seeking treatment inflicting depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental illnesses. It is not clear whether these effects cause the eating disorder or are a result of it.
(Davidson et al 2019)
Whether it’s the quest for the beach bod, dad bod, or acceptance of obesity, where people say big is beautiful, eating disorders are very real. They affect the human metabolism resulting in unwanted, unhealthy conditions that can be passed on to children while an embryo. The appropriate behavior would be to recognize that one has an issue and seek medical and professional help immediately. Start a routine that will balance life and ones goals. Develop healthier eating habits but also love ones self. Strive to be a better you not a carbon copy of another. Please check out some of Matt’s old YouTube videos on how he managed to live the bodybuilding lifestyle while enjoying life. Wonderful references to look at.
Follow me @drocbody via Twitter and IG
Davidson, T., Rocheleau, J., & Ungvarsky, J. (2021). Eating Disorders. In J. L. Longe (Ed.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 916-921). Gale.
Patel, G. (2019). Metabolism. In D. S. Hiam (Ed.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets (3rd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 916-918). Gale.
Ungvarsky, J., Oberleitner, M. G., & Howell, C. (2021). Metabolic Disorders. In J. L. Longe (Ed.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence (4th ed., Vol. 4, pp. 1832-1836). Gale.