Healthy Living is not just Nutrition
Healthy Living is more than Nutrition
By Daniel Rocha LMT CPT CNS DN
Naprapaths and Physical therapists provide patients with information on prevention, health, wellness, and fitness activities needed to address each condition. These activities may take many forms, beginning with screening and identifying individuals or groups who would benefit from education, intervention, or referral to an appropriate health-care program. Who needs a health care program and why? Education activities include information on prevention, health, wellness, and fitness topics. It can be delivered as information seminars or even instructional videos. Intervention activities provide interventions as identified from screening sessions. Drug addicts, obese kids, and any named group would require a professional to step in and guide these people. Consultations provide expertise and knowledge on a topic. Meeting with an expert on a particular topic to discuss and answer questions. Critical Inquiry refers to obtaining, synthesizing, and utilizing current research, interpreting data, and participating in research. Do not just google a topic; research it using scholarly websites and articles to provide the most up-to-date information. Administration activities are planning, developing, and managing all aspects of a prevention or wellness project, including budget, human resources, and space, and becoming part of a community project or health board to develop and implement a health care program for a community or work environment.
Primary prevention focuses on preventing a target problem or condition in an individual or a community at risk and educating people to avoid injury or disease. Change bad habits early rather than after diagnosis. Examples include developing a fitness program for children to prevent obesity—an information flyer for parents on identifying and treating idiopathic scoliosis. Educate a company on proper body mechanics workstation redesign to avoid back pain and injury.
Secondary prevention focuses on decreasing the duration and severity of a disease. If a patient is overweight and has diabetes, can a healthcare program help this patient overcome the illness? For example, developing a resistance program for osteoporosis patients or an exercise/fitness program for overweight teens and adults.
Tertiary prevention focuses on decreasing the degree of disability and promotes rehabilitation for patients with chronic or irreversible diseases. Can patients with long-term conditions or injuries get better and live healthier lives through a healthcare program? For example, developing a fitness program for patients with a spinal cord injury or an exercise program to increase strength, balance, and coordination in older adults. The creation of resistance and weight-bearing exercise classes for individuals with Down syndrome.
Kisner, C., & Colby, L. A. (2013). Therapeutic exercise: Foundations and techniques. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.